Preprints/Working Papers
1. Potty Parity: Process Flexibility via Unisex Restroom
Setareh Farajollahzadeh, Ming Hu
Status: Under Third Round of Revision at Management Science
Keywords: Queueing
Awards: Finalist, INFORMS DEI Best Studnet Paper 2024
Finalist, CORS Best Student Paper, Applied Probability and Queueing 2023
Media: Rotman Insights, Refreshing your office space? Have you considered your potty parity?
2. Sharing Newsboys
Setareh Farajollahzadeh, Ming Hu
Status: Major Revision at Operations Research
Keywords: Network games
Awards: Selected for presentation at MSOM SIG 2023
3. Learning Customer Preferences from Bundle Sales Data
Ningyuan Chen, Setareh Farajollahzadeh, Guan Wang
Status: R&R at Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
Keywords: EM algorithm, bundle, demand estimation
Awards: Winner of CORS Best Student Paper, Open Category 2023
4. Simultaneous vs. Sequential Product Release
Hojat Abdollahnejad, Ningyuan Chen, Setareh Farajollahzadeh, Ming Hu
Status: Major Revision at Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
Keywords: Learning, Reviews, Buzz economy
Media: McGill Delve, How Bingeable TV Protects Against Negative Criticism
5. Robust One-Shot Price Experimentation
Ali Daei Nabi, Setareh Farajollahzadeh, Ming Hu
Status: Under review at Management Science
Keywords: Experiment, Robus Pricing, Value of Information
Practice Impact:, From Research to Revenue: The Science Behind One-Shot Price Experiments for Hotels
6. Why the Rooney Rule Fumbles: Limitations of Interview-stage Diversity Interventions in Labor Markets
Setareh Farajollahzadeh, Soonbong Lee, Vahideh Manshadi, and Faidra Monachou
Status: working paper 2024